City of York Council





SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)



5 January 2022 at 6.00pm 


















In attendance




Group A

Ben Rich

Penny Coppin-Siddall

Ian Hodgson

Daryoush Mazloum


Group C

Taco Michiels

Andy Tod


Group D

Cllr Ian Cuthbertson (Chair)

Cllr Fiona Fitzpatrick

Cllr Sue Hunter

Cllr Martin Rowley [until 6.58pm]


Janie Berry (Director of Governance)

Olivia Seymour (RE Advisor)


Kate Bailey (Group A)

Brenda Christison (Group B)

Imam Mirazam (Group A)

Maxine Squire (City of York Council)

There was a SACRE training session at 5pm, prior to the start of the meeting



1.              Chair's Announcements


The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. Welcomed Andy Tod, new Group C Member to SACRE.




2.              Appointment of Vice Chair


The Director or Governance advised that Ben Rich (from Group A) had been nominated as Vice Chair. SACRE Members unanimously  appointed Ben Rich as Vice Chair.


Resolved: That Ben Rich be appointed as Vice Chair for one year.


Reason:     To ensure the appointment of SACRE Vice Chair.





3.              Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Brenda Christison, Kate Bailey, Mirazam and Maxine Squire.




4.              Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.




5.              Minutes of the meeting on 5 October 2021 and Matters Arising


Resolved: That, subject to the removal of Olivia Seymour from the Membership list, the minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2021 be agreed as a correct record and were to be signed by the Chair at the next available meeting.




6.              Annual Report 2020-21


Olivia Seymour reported that the following circulation of the draft Annual Report to Members before Christmas, the draft presented at the meeting had been updated. Members were invited to make final comments on the draft prior to submission to the DfE and NASACRE. It was suggested and agreed that information on each committee would be added to the attendance table in the report.


The meeting adjourned at 6.18pm for Members to meet in their Groups consider the Annual Report.  The meeting reconvened at 6.24pm.


Each Group appointed a spokesperson to inform the Council of their chosen appointment. This was reported as follows:


Group A agreed the Annual Report

Group C agreed the Annual Report

Group D agreed the Annual Report


Regarding Group B, Brenda Christison was not present and had given apologies for the meeting. She had confirmed by email that she agreed the Annual Report.


Resolved: That the Chief Operating Officer be recommended to approve the SACRE Annual Report 2020-21


Reason:     In order to approve the Annual Report for submission to the DfE and NASACRE.




7.              Monitoring of Standards


Olivia Seymour reported that as there had been no Ofsted reports in York she brought information from other Ofsted reports. A Member suggested that it would be good to have a benchmark to see what other authorities had said. A Member suggested that it would be good to get feedback from the Ofsted committee. Olivia Seymour clarified that SACRE would be looking at Ofsted RE deep dive reports and if there were any specific York schools’ reports, they would be brought to future meetings.


Resolved: That Members receive Ofsted RE deep dive reports following the inspection of York schools.


Reason:     In order to monitor Standards.




8.              Report on school questionnaire


Members had been provided with feedback on RE from schools and they were asked to identify themes and training needs. The following points were made during discussion:

·        A Member noted the reference to YOYO in two schools questionnaires.

·        It was noted that as part of the syllabus launch, schools were provided with a list of contact details for places to visit.

·        A Member that had attended anti-racism training suggested that it would be useful for SACRE Members to attend. Olivia Seymour advised that the training session had been recorded and SACRE Members were welcome to access the training that way. The training was regional training funded by the Regional Ambassador role and not York SACRE hosted.

·        A Member from Group C (teacher) noted that at his school they had rearranged a visit from the Imam and had had a visit from a Hindu representative. He noted that he would raise RE visits at the next RE network training session.

·        It was noted that the current context was encouraging due to the number of school questionnaire responses that had been received.


Olivia Seymour thanked Andy Tod for leading the primary subject leaders group and she confirmed that teachers were accessing regional training.  This was organised through her separate role as NATRE regional ambassador for RE (which ended in December 2021).


Olivia Seymour identified that there was a number of new RE subject leaders and noted that induction training was not currently on offer for new RE subject leaders. The Chair noted that it would be good to encourage RE subject leaders to work with SACRE as well as experienced subject leaders. A Member from Group C (teacher) noted that the courses run were good and useful for newly appointed subject leaders.


Resolved: That Members receive the schools’ RE questionnaire results.


Reason:     In order to identify themes and training needs in relation to standards.




9.              National RE and Collective Worship Updates


Olivia Seymour highlighted the following items in her update to Members: 

·        The parliamentary question on RE from Kim Leadbeater, MP for Batley and Spen, and the response to it. 

·        Applications for the 2022/23 Farmington scholarships were now open. These were scholarships available to teachers of religious education and associated subjects in UK secondary, primary, and special needs schools.


Resolved: That the National RE and Collective Worship updates be noted.


Reason:     In order to be kept up to date on National RE and Collective Worship updates.




10.           York SACRE work programme 2020/2022


The Director of Governance sought Members views on the future of the Development Plan. She noted that there was funding for it. Members expressed the following views:

·        A Member suggested that it would be useful to set up a Youth SACRE. The Director of Governance advised that Maxine Squire was leading on this and it was intended that this would be built into the Development Plan.

·        A Member asked if York Interfaith Group and SACRE could work together on York Interfaith Week. Olivia Seymour confirmed that this would be possible.


Resolved: That Schools’ Questionnaire be added to the work programme for the March SACRE meeting and Youth SACRE for the June meeting.


Reason:     In order to keep the work programme up to date.


[Cllr Rowley left the meeting at 6.58pm]




11.           Correspondence


It was reported that there had been no complaints to SACRE.


Resolved: That Members be updated on complaints.


Reason:     In order to be kept updated on complaints to SACRE and determinations of complaints.





12.           Dates for future meetings


It was noted that the March and June meeting dates clashed with York Interfaith Group meetings and the Democracy Officer undertook to find alternative meeting dates.





13.           2021-22 Work plan


This was covered under item 10.





14.           Urgent Business


Ben Rich confirmed that the visit to the Jewish exhibition at the Castle Museum on 21 January was still going ahead.








Cllr Cuthbertson, SACRE Chair

[The meeting started at 6.07 pm and finished at 7.07 pm].